Jon Voight

One of the most outspoken conservative voices in Hollywood is Jon Voight. He has been a strong supporter of Donald Trump and has gone so far as to call out those Republicans who DON’T support Trump; he’s called them “Republican Turncoat. Voight continually takes to Twitter to voice his support for Trump and his disappointment to those who have expressed intense anger and disgust of the President. During an interview on Fox Business, he explained what it’s like to be a Conservative in Hollywood. He told Stuart Varney, “There are, by the way, many, many conservatives in Hollywood; they just aren’t very vocal”.
Alec Baldwin

The star of award-winning “The Hunt for Red October” cannot and will not be silenced about his views on politics. There’s no hiding the liberal views of the Long Island, New York born-and-raised Alec Baldwin. He has been a strong supporter of Democrats since the late ‘80s. In fact, he’s donated over $150,000 toward candidates and committees who share his liberal beliefs. If there is a controversial political topic, you can almost bet you’ll find Baldwin voicing his point of view.
50 Cent

50 Cent follows the conservative platform. He’s pro 1st Amendment (his lyrics are controversial and yet still make him money), he’s pro 2nd Amendment (he talks a lot about gun ownership) and he’s made a very successful living utilizing the American capitalist system. He has come out and said that he’s a Republican but has not placed his opinions anywhere near the forefront. He does identify himself as a Christian and has publically stated that he likes President George W. Bush.